My beautiful daughter.

Created by Tracy 3 years ago

You was born on Thursday 6th February 1997.  I was in labour all day with you, you was so comfortable didnt want to be delivered.  I never let you forget you scratched me inside as you was being delivered.  We laughed about this alot.  When you was born all Paul and I could see was your beautiful big eyes.  Beautiful bundle of joy.  We laughed about this many times, your big brother said put her  When we eventually came home.  You was so tiny I use to bath you in the basin in bathroom.  You loved your baths, mind you I think I got more wet than you.  The fun you had with James growing up.  I remember the incident with the chocolate gateau.  I caught you in fridge.  When I looked at your face, you had chocolate gateau smeared all over it.  You literally put your hands in the gateau, and was taking lumps out of it.  I said to you have you been eating the chocolate cake.  You totally denied it and blamed it on poor James.  I couldn't tell you off as laughing too much.  I think that's when your love of chocolate kicked in.  I think in every picture i have you are eating, you certainly loved your food.  We have so many fond memories of you, could write paragraphs on you baby.  The day you gave birth to Lillie I was so proud.  You became a wonderful mother.  I often call Lillie Steph, she reminds me of you so much, even down to her attitude.  Your memory will definitely live on in your mini me.  I hope I made you proud.  I know we had arguments all parents do with their kids.  But I have never stopped loving you and never will.  What did i call MY STEFFI BUM.  


Love you unconditionally. My angel.  Heaven has definitely got a caring, loving angel, I'm jealous of them.


Love you always


